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Custard Couple "Slapstick Sex IN Meadow" XXX HD movie XXX049
This is a movie about knicker filling and custard pies.
This is the XXX version reference XXX049.
We have already published the Normal movie WSM189 (or CC number CC70).
See this on page... Starring: | |||||
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Jenny and Mrs. Custard Couple (CC) got on so well.
If you like two mature ladies dishing out the mess.well, this is perfect!
With brief outfits, including stockings and long gloves, this is attractive enough!
But once those boobs are unfurled this... Starring: | |||||
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HD Movie WSM170 (WSM number) or CC37 (Cc number) is a further revelation about just how
horny Mrs. Custard Couple (Cc) is!
Mr. Custard Couple is not in this set as his provocative wife hogs the limelight to become a true
chocolate Easter bunny!
D... Starring: | |||||
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| $9.25
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This Movie was shot in Sd (Standard definition) and has been enhanced to give full page viewing.
Ice Cream Shag
An early XXX movie from Custard Couple (Cc) shot Nov 2011.
Mrs. Cc chats constantly in this movie.
She kneels on a table and has ice c... Starring: | |||||
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Jenny and the Phantom designed a new Game Show in which they both could join in!
They understood that a more modern Adult gameshow should involve couples.
Jenny and the Phantom feature in this 23 minute HD movie WSM125, titled "The
Dressing Game".... Starring: | |||||
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| $11.30
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In July 2022 we posted the initial meeting between top splosh model Axajay (Axa) and Mr. Nasty.
Normal Movie WSM174 which runs 37 mins featured erotic slapstick couple play using yogurts ending
with Mr. Nasty making an astounding marriage offer.
B... Starring: | |||||
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Mature Wam!
But who does it better than the world's best mature WAM couple?
Here we have two ordinary people doing something quite extraordinary!
There are 5 Streams to this movie.
It would take too long to write in detail, so here is a quick sum... Starring: | |||||
| $8.00
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A single outdoor slapstick scene featuring our lovers Mel and John.
Mel in her efforts to capture John voices her thoughts: "Imagine what it would be like if I
was smothered in food!" So she has arranged to go on a romantic picnic!
We see them arr... Starring: | |||||
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Stream 1 runs 11 mins 45 secs
Mr and Mrs cc are awaiting their friends to join them for a dinner party, both dressed to impress and they have made every effort putting up a Marquee in their back garden and preparing lots of their favourite foodstuff... Starring: | |||||
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WSM do often feature couple play!
Here we put an unlikely pair together, but with the Slapstick connection, they become very good
But anyone foolish enough to make a date with our Phantom, should know what to expect!
But this messiness w... Starring: | |||||
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| $11.60
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Wow! Custard Couple do come up with some challenging and unusual movies!
A quick summary is:
1. Treacly knickers cakes in panties multiple panties worn plus panties over her head!
2. Mr. cc cums over her mouth and face custard, cakes and furth... Starring: | |||||
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This enjoyable easy going movie, shows how Custard Couple (cc) commenced.
Shot before Custard Couple (cc) associated with WSM it shows Mrs. cc in Slapstick fun before
ending with her wash-off under the shower.
So what is movie CC35 all about?
Thi... Starring: | |||||
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What a predicament caught by the wife!
No, not caught with another woman but caught watching WSM material!
A huge dilemma for most couples!
So, how to react?
Mrs. cc shows great judgement in deciding the guilt, or otherwise, of the misbehaving M... Starring: | |||||
| $6.40
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Next we have a Quiz Game "Plastermind" with a live audience shot at the 1991 Aquantics Convention in Tenby. Looking suave and composed the
quizmaster is Bill Shipton.
The 1 st contestant is Melanie.
She fails the first question and tomato soup is... Starring: | |||||
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This is a quite glorious XXX Slapstick HD movie.
After completing 44 min movie wsm135 (wsm number) or CC26 (cc number), "The Dressing Game
gameshow" (note--this movie already posted to the UMD Store in June 2016), cc have now
redressed in new out... Starring: | |||||
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Remember Kimyl's 18th Birthday and how Betty caused kitchen chaos and ruined Kimyl's party?
It took a further year before 19 year old Kimyl could get her revenge on Betty for the chaos she had caused.
We start off learning a secret.
Betty admits s... Starring: | |||||
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Very messy couple play!
In the 1st Stream Mrs. cc is announced as the winner of the wsm Master Chef competition.
The loser, Mr. cc, is very unhappy with the result.
Sploshing follows as the sore loser treats the winner to some cake tasting!
Two p... Starring: | |||||
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| $10.80
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tream 1 all wet
This movie is a mix of mainly messy with some wet, and the action takes place alongside a gently murmuring river.
Her high heels are not too suitable for the pebbly river.
She wets herself down dressed all in white.
Soon her boob... Starring: | |||||
6 files |
| $12.00
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sd stream 1--In the Oily Paddling Pool--shot June 2004 Shot outdoors in a garden setting, Stream 1 commences with close-up cock sucking, with a surprisingly good quality picture.
The oil covered Jade is taken from the rear while standing, as she ur... Starring: | |||||
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wet, slapstick and muddy fun with mature couple Mr. and Mrs. Custard Couple (CC) in HD movie wsm172-cc17 "CC do wsm" a joint production between CC and wsm, all shot outdoors.
As it is Mrs. CC's birthday soon, Mr. CC gives her a surprise note which... Starring: | |||||
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| $9.10
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How often have you thought that a fancy bitch of a woman with her snooty demeanor really needs a good Sploshing!
Prepare to dream no more as the behaviour of our Snooty Boss really asks for it. but this time, she certainly does get it!
In the "Snoo... Starring: | |||||
| $9.20
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A final Professor Treacle Slapstick adventure.
Stream 1
Yorkshire lass Anne France calls in to ask "When she was starting with this part?"
The Prof is quite curt and tells her straight, she did not get the part.
Anne is disappointed and says she... Starring: | |||||
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Movie wsm188 runs 20 minutes and features the striking and statuesque Olivia.
We have the original Phantom "Messy Chris" as he returns for his annual splosh session.
This is a happy, relaxed shoot with Olivia doing her best to enjoy the experience... Starring: | |||||
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Mature, experienced model Anne France returns to confront Professor Treacle about her failure to get the part in the next Slapstick production.
Fabulous reactions, timing and responses in a great tit for tat movie.
The farewell performance from Pro... Starring: | |||||
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| $13.10
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But how many couples go this far with their messy role play?
It is only when you get extended and really challenged that you find out just how good you are!
But sadly, with the UMD Store, we are confined to a single Clip which is shown below as a F... Starring: | |||||
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The original Phantom who started off the Food series of videos, returns for his annual visit.
He enjoys gentle throwing and pouring but is a Slapstick connoisseur.
Blonde Rachel Travers with her 34G boobs makes this an exciting food sploshing!
At... Starring: | |||||
| $8.00
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This Stream is unusual as everything revolves around a single scene.
But what a scene this is!
We hear Debbie speak to request a Fix It for herself.
Then the resplendent Bill Shipton in best "Jim Will Fix It" tradition introduces the scene. Shot... Starring: | |||||
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This was one of the first HD movies we shot.
Big boobed Jenny just had to star in a Food movie... and here it is!
Movie Wsm124 Food 9 marked a new era when the Phantom was introduced.
You see... this is Ultimate Slapstick!
How many Movies have yo... Starring: | |||||
| $6.40
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It was 29th September 1990 that we filmed Carol in a black PVC outfit, long sleeved top, mini skirt and thigh boots having cream poured all over the outfit, both front and back. This was followed by custard.
But Carol did not even get her top off.... Starring: | |||||
4 files |
| $12.00
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This is what Mrs. Custard Couple (CC) wrote about this movie:
The weekend had arrived and Mr C and I had a super sexy evening of entertainment to look forward to.
As soon as we had finished work we both tucked into a bottle of wine and dressed up i... Starring: | |||||
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Food 8 is the chattiest Food movie as Michelle Monroe is totally Sploshed.
We invited Michelle Monroe back to become our 8th glamour girl in our Food range of Movies.
There are 2 essential ingredients for a Food Movie:
The girl must be busty
Food... Starring: | |||||
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The 1st household chore Mrs. Custard Couple (cc) shares with us is Baking.
At home in the kitchen, she bakes a cake for Mr. Cc.
but Mrs. cc knows how he prefers his cakes!
Over the cook! Especially when she is as pretty and such a true WAM girl a... Starring: | |||||
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| $11.50 | ||
Spurred on by the Cream Pies set-to in normal HD movie ref Wsm171/cc39, Custard Couple unleash their lusts with mutual messy sex play in this XXX HD movie ref Xxx019.
stream 1 runs 6 mins 25 secs
Mr. Custard Couple (CC) asks his wife to put some of... Starring: | ||||
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Outdoor messy sex with cock sucking, shagging and frigging with both Mr. and Mrs. enjoying orgasms. 60% of content is sex play in this HD movie!
Stream 1
Mrs. Custard Couple (CC) tells us what will happen.
She messes her outfit with custard, then... Starring: | |||||
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This movie is the sequel to Xxx014 Sue's first messy sex with Professor Treacle.
Now it is Sandie, the waitress, who shows us what happened in her quest for messy sex.
To say Sandie enjoyed it is a complete understatement!
I have never seen a girl... Starring: | |||||
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Mature Sue acts the part brilliantly and you will all be impressed with her fantastic looks.
What a wonderful sexy Milf!
this is what Wsm is all about!
We have a very desirable Milf Sue. We have a story to tell.
This is the first of a two part s... Starring: | |||||
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Slapstick Fun Movie
Betty and Kimyl "Messy 18th Birthday" part 1
Movie Wsm 091 was the culmination of many weeks of planning!
We have a unique, true kitchen setting, two seriously sexy 18 year old girls, plus two video cameras to do the production... Starring: | |||||
| $8.00
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Commencing with the Wsm TV jingle, we next have a spoof advert for lager as Carol, in a silky white dress, shows how lager can refresh you.
We then go to a Documentary "Inside Splosh Magazine".
Yorkshire Television had invited Splosh Magazine/wsm t... Starring: | |||||
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Food 5 features Natalie in movie Wsm067 running over 33 minutes – more fantastic value!
Witness this continual food barrage! This is full-on Slapstick!
Natalie takes it in good heart with plenty of giggles and adds her comments often to taunt our... Starring: | |||||
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| $11.20
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We have Custard Couple taking the parts of Sir and schoolgirl Maisie.
We pick up the action in the 4th and final Stream of the normal Wsm movie Wsm131.
maisie wants more, more mess, so she is deluged again with custard.
Sir rips her blouse open an... Starring: | |||||
| $8.00
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There are 3 Outdoor scenes from 1986 and 1989
1. This is a spoof of the ice cream advert for "One Cornetto" (shot 7th July 1989).
Shot at Tenby (South Wales) sea front, we have Melanie doing her best to sing….with an extremely funny ending! Onl... Starring: | |||||
| $8.00
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There are 4 Outdoor scenes:
1. Shot at the Farm in Somerset, we start with the Mould commercial (shot 26th July 1986)
The wind does its best to destroy the dialogue, but somehow our advert host (hello again Professor Treacle) and Debbie cope.
Deb... Starring: | |||||
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A hidden gem is Movie Wsm038 with the pretty and young model Sofia Smith.
sofia took on the challenge of Food 3, which became our longest running Food movie at 44 minutes.
Dressed in a black, sleeveless short dress with black elbow length gloves, b... Starring: | |||||
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| $10.80
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How does Mrs. Custard Couple (cc) relax at home?
This week she invites you to join her for a "Messy Cream Tea with Mrs. Cc".
we have a 28 minute movie CC15 plus image set S314 of the event.
Dressed in pink dress, white bra, panties, suspenders,... Starring: | |||||
| $8.00
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Shoot date 7th July 1989
There are 2 scenes:
1. Continuing "Ye Monks of St. Custard" we have Debbie in a satin style dress led to the stocks. This scene runs 1 minute 40 seconds.
Custard is poured over her head and face. Then custard and crea... Starring: | |||||
8 files |
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One of our best Movie ideas is the Food range.
Food 2 movie Wsm024 is fantastic just to see the busty and very giggly Wendy-jayne endure a continuous 40 minute food sploshing!..... which does nothing to stifle her giggles! What a wonderful girl th... Starring: | |||||
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Movie WSM015 Food 01 Vanessa plus Image set S192
We shot our first in the Food range of movies in September 2006.
This started as a custom shoot with the specification of a busty girl, who must enjoy being almost drowned in foodstuffs!
You think I... Starring: | |||||
4 files |
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Another first as we offer our 4th XXX Movie as a complete story.
44% of the movie is XXX giving just on 11 minutes of the total content.
Custard Couple show why they are the number 1 WAM couple in the uk!
what happens when Secretary Penny gets tre... Starring: | |||||
| $8.00
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The wsm gameshow continues with an appreciative audience.
The Wheel is spun again, this time ending on "S".
So this 3rd stream is devoted to Slapstick. Contestant Sammi gets her own creamy mealon herself!
With very limited shoot time, we did outs... Starring: | |||||